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Be That Person

Writer's picture: The Whiskey MomThe Whiskey Mom

Hey friends! Many of you might already know, but if you don’t, allow me to spread the word! May is mental health awareness month. I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted (sorry, it’s been crazy) but I couldn’t not post today, and I think a lot of people need this message right now; I know I for sure have needed it.

FYI, I’m gonna get into my feels about this one; it’s really important to me and really hits home.

First, I’d like to just encourage you to please screenshot that image and either send it to someone or post it somewhere or whatever you need to do to spread that message. People need to know that other people have their backs right now and are thinking of them.

Having said that, we all know by now that there is nothing easy about the current state that the world is in; trust me, I hear you and I see you and I am with you. At this point, it doesn’t matter what your profession is, how many kids you have, whether you live alone or with someone, etc; shit is just very hard right now.

Helpless would probably be a fairly accurate word to describe how many of us are feeling at the moment. Like there’s no end in sight, like we’re prisoners in our own homes (or at medical facilities); especially if you’re suffering from anxiety (like me) and/or depression, if you’re stuck in an environment that’s particularly unhealthy, or if you’ve been one of the very many that have lost their jobs. And if you’re not suffering from anxiety or depression then there’s a solid chance that you might get a taste of it at some point during this new normal of being quarantined. But if there is anything I’ve learned from my own life experiences, it’s that kind words and encouragement go a long way and there is ALWAYS a light at the end of the tunnel, even when that tunnel seems a hundred miles long and you’re only at mile four.

Now by no means am I implying that I’ve had a hard life, but hear me out. I still have been through some of my own shit (which you already know if you’ve read some of my other posts). Nothing quite like what we’re all going through now, obviously, but some shit nonetheless. As a quick example, my divorce sucked. Bad. And it was a solid year and a half before I started to feel like my life might normalize and get some happiness in it again. But you know what got me through? People supporting me. I would have probably been in a dangerously low depression had it not been for my friends checking in on me and doing little basic things like forcing me to eat. I had people telling me to stay strong because I will get through this, and that it always gets darkest before dawn, and the sun always rises again, and all that. And at the time it sounded very cliché and honestly my internal response was easy for you to say when you’re not going through it. But what I didn’t realize at the time was that they were exactly right and it was all exactly what I needed to hear.

This Covid situation is new to literally everyone. And in case you need the reminder, WE ARE ALL WINGING IT. I don’t care how many years of experience you have in the medical or epidemiology field, nothing can prepare you for something like this unless you’ve actually experienced it before, which none of us have. It’s like that with anything. You can train your entire life for something but until you actually experience it, you won’t know precisely how to handle or how you’ll actually react or what to expect from it.

But y’all one thing everyone knows how to do is offer support and we HAVE to support each other because this is not easy on anyone. My anxiety has been through the roooooooof, yo. I have broken down more than once from a sweet combination of just sheer exhaustion mixed with a little panic over when things might start to just feel normal again. And then even more panic hits when I realize this is the normal and will be the normal for some time now. I’ve had to take a Xanax in the middle of the day a few times when I usually only ever need it for sleep, if I even need it at all. Truthfully I’ve even wondered to myself more than once how the fuck we’ll all get though this. But I end up giving myself the same answer every time.

We will.

Listen y’all, we are all doing the most that we can with the best of our resources. And right now yes times are so tough, but remind yourself that every day that passes is one day closer to getting through this. I honestly don’t know a single person who isn’t struggling somehow through this pandemic. Literally not one person. But none of us will get through it if we can’t support each other and lean on each other and remind our loved ones that hey you’re a bad ass and hey I love you and hey look at you binging Netflix like a boss!

You get what I’m saying?

We have to spread the love and support right now. A quick text goes a long way. Trust me on this I have been there when it comes to needing to just know people have my back even if I haven’t always wanted them around. Some people may not want to talk and you can’t be offended by that because everyone is processing this differently. But I promise you they will appreciate you reaching out. They will appreciate just knowing someone cares and is thinking of them. You can’t assume other people are checking on them, because other people may not be. You have to step up and be that person.

The other day I got a text from a neighbor down the street. She’s also single mom and we’re not that close but she’s always been very sweet to me. She sent me a link out of nowhere about what single moms are going through during this and sent this message along with it:

Danielle, these aren’t easy times for anyone, let alone us single mamas. We don’t know each other that well, but I’m just down the street if you ever need someone to lend an ear or a helping hand. ❤️

And let me tell you that lifted my spirits more than she will probably ever know. She didn’t have to do that. The last time we even texted was back in February and it was very brief about our kids playing together. But that text the other day meant a lot. Maybe I’ll need her and maybe I won’t, but it’s nice to know I have her to lean on if I need it.

I’m telling you, reach out to your people. You should reach out to people anyway even when there isn’t a worldwide quarantine happening, but it’s even more important now since there is one. They will be more grateful than you realize and will thank you later.

And honestly, this may sound extreme, but sometimes a text or phone call can even save a life. I know this because I know someone personally who was about to take that step but got interrupted because a friend called to say hi. And no, it wasn’t me, for my parents who might freak when they read this. But luckily that person is still here today, and they have always been thankful for that call. Be the support that the world needs right now; you won’t regret it. And don’t be afraid to call for help if you need it.

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The Whiskey Mom

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